Backpack Ministry
The Backpack Ministry feeds 70+ hungry children of Saraland City Schools each week. These children often receive breakfast and lunch during the school week, but may not have adequate food at home on the weekend. They are identified by the school as being in need, and they receive a bag of food each Friday to bring home. Churches and community organizations throughout the region contribute food and money to keep this program running strong, and volunteers come to fill bags of food. We welcome your help! You can donate ravioli, vienna sausage, Ramen noodles, instant grits, instant oatmeal, cheese-filled crackers (no peanut butter), fruit cups, Pop Tarts, juice boxes, cookies, cereal bars, canned soup, and boxes of raisins.
Food Pantry
Our food pantry serves residents of Saraland, Satsuma, Axis, & Creola on Mondays from 9:00—11:00 am. Please bring a photo I.D. if you are receiving food. Our food pantry is always in need of non-perishable items which can be donated in the basket in the church hallway.

Regional and International Missions
Each year, we send teams to international and regional mission contexts. We have served in the Henderson Settlement in Kentucky, Guatemala, and Ecuador. We invite participation from others in our community wishing to serve alongside us!