Betty Moye, Director of Kids Ministries

Kids Sunday School

Sunday school is offered at 9:30 am for children ages three years old through the fifth grade. 

Sunday Morning Nursery

Though children of all ages are always welcome in our worship services, a nursery is provided for those who need or would like to use it. Our lobby is also available for parents who wish to see and hear the worship service if you must step out with a child. The nursery is for children ages birth through four years old, and is located in the third room on the right in the Sunday school hallway.

Kids Worship

Kids’ Worship will be offered during the 10:30 contemporary service for children 3 years old through fifth grade. 

Kids Worship Kits

Children are welcome to remain in worship with their parents if they do not wish to attend Kids’ Worship. Kids’ Worship Kits will be available each Sunday (containing crayons and paper). Please make sure to leave the Worship Kits to be refilled for the next week.

Club 345

Third, fourth and fifth graders are invited to join us from 6-8pm on the third Friday of the month during the school year. We have a great time working on service projects, playing games, studying the Bible, doing fun crafts, and just hanging out! Don’t miss it!


Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts

Our Cub Scout Pack 113 is for boys and girls in kindergarten through the fifth grade. The groups meet on Monday nights at 6:30 pm. Troop 113 is for sixth through twelfth graders and meets Monday nights at 6:00 pm.


Special Events

Special events are held throughout the year for children and their families. These events include the Trunk-or-Treat in October, the Christmas pageant in December, an Easter Egg Hunt/Party in the spring, and Vacation Bible School in the summer.


Volunteer Opportunities

If you would like to help out at any of our Kids Ministry events, please reach out to Betty Moye, Director of Kids Ministries at
Opportunities include:
  • Sunday morning volunteer (8:30am, 9:30am, or 10:30am)
  • Club 345 event volunteer
  • Wednesday night program volunteer
  • Chaperone
  • Provide snacks for events